SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - Sheboygan School officials are moving the district's student information and HR programming over to the Skyward system.
Assistant superintendent Mark Boehlke says that the process has been intensive, but that the old system simply had to go. "Someone 10 years from now will thank us that we did this and they didn't have to. Because going through the process is tedious and time-consuming, but we're pretty excited about it." Skyward is able to handle student programming, scheduling, information databases and more. The previous version of the district's information system was built in the 1980's, and Boehlke says the company is looking to get out of the business and may not have supported the program for much longer.
School superintendent Joe Sheehan says the programming makes it much easier for students and parents to get involved in how they're interacting with the school and teachers. Parents can log in to the database from home and track their student's progress on a day to day basis, and students can use the program to register for classes.
Boehlke says Skyward in place across the state and offers up great options for the district. "It has a lot of advantages for when we bring in people from other districts, because they're familiar with the system, and it also helps to collaborate with other districts because they're on the same software." Over 500 school districts across the state use Skyward.