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SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - Typically, a few registered sex offenders will request a waiver from the City of Sheboygan to move to a location that would otherwise be off limits to them.
A city ordinance requires registered sex offenders not to live within two-thousand feet of places where children can gather, such as a school, park or church. However, one can seek a waiver from the restriction that must be approved by the city’s Public Protection and Safety Committee.
On Wednesday, two waivers were approved unanimously.
One was for 34-year-old Kenneth Peitzmeier to move to 3032 South 19th Street. He was found guilty in 2003 of second degree assault of a child and interfering with child custody, and has served his time for the offenses.
Several neighbors spoke at the meeting to object to the waiver, worried about Peitzmeier’s 2008 child abuse conviction. However, committee chair Darryl Carlson said that conviction could not be considered and sees Peitzmeier as not a predator character.
The other was for 36-year-old James Brown to move to 1224 South 9th Street. He was found guilty in 1998 of second degree assault of a child, and has served his time for the offense. His waiver had no objections from the public.