SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - Two Sheboygan men face drug charges for a marijuana bust at their apartment. 24 year olds Adam Slawinski and Jamie Newcomb each face possession with intent to deliver T-H-C and possession of a controlled substance charges.
According to the criminal complaint, Sheboygan Police responded to a complaint June 22 of the smell of marijuana at an apartment on the 2700 block of North Eighth Street. A search of the apartment found over a half dozen bags filled with marijuana buds, totaling nearly three-thousand grams.
Also found was Dexedrine inside a safe, and a rifle that Slawinski allegedly says is his. This led to an additional charge against him for felon in possession of a firearm.
When interviewed, Slawinski allegedly said he was the one who owned the marijuana and was selling it for the past few months, but would not elaborate how he got it.
Newcomb had his initial court appearance Wednesday, and had a four-thousand dollar cash bond set.
A 23 year old man was also arrested at the apartment, but has not been charged.