SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - The Sheboygan City Council has approved a series of repairs and renovations of the beaches at both Deland and King Park.
The city has long been dealing with sand blowing up out of the beaches and into the streets, where it clogs up storm sewers and makes a mess of the roads. The city is looking to plant dune grasses and put in other features to help keep the sand in place, and also will be doing other restorative work to keep the beaches in good condition. City engineer Ryan Sazama says the repairs will help keep the sand where it's supposed to be. "We are going to be doing some berming up along Broughton Drive and also along the King Park area to help prevent as much as we can that sand blowing into South 7th Street and Broughton Drive and that sand getting into our sanitary and storm sewer systems."
Work crews will also be doing a major overhaul on the storm water outflow and piping system at Deland Park. Sazama says crews will be working on the repairs right away. "Everything has to be planted by November 15th, the storm sewer work has to be done by the latter part of October, I'll be saying within the next week or two you'll see some activity down there."
Total cost for the project is around $400,000.