SHEBOYGAN, Wis (WHBL) -- Emergency officials across the state are reminding residents and businesses to have a severe weather plan as the state issues mock tornado warnings today.
There's two mock tornado warnings today, one this afternoon and one this evening. A mock tornado watch will be issued at 1 p.m., and mock tornado warnings will be issued at 1:45 p.m and 6:55 p.m.
Sheboygan County emergency manager Steven Steinhardt says the evening tornado drill is there to help people who might not otherwise see a drill each year. "We're doing so that families actually have a chance to talk about, even have a 10 minute conversation, on what to do at home as a family during a warning, and also to give our 2nd shifters and local business and industry a chance to practice a drill."
Steinhart says that practice is vital because just having a plan won't help. "It's one thing to just have a written plan, but unless you actually go through it and get some muscle memory to it, you're really not sure what to do when it happens." He says families and businesses need to work out where they need to move people during a storm, how best to secure their homes and property for severe weather, and make sure to execute those plans in time to be safe.
Those storms are also a very real concern. "Wisconsin averages 23 tornados a year, so it is a hazard that we know it's going to happen. There's only so much we can do to mitigate against this type of emergency and one of those things we can do to mitigate is to have a plan and practice that plan." While Sheboygan County has been lucky to not have a tornado for a number of years, Steinhart says being prepared is better than not having a plan to keep yourself safe.
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