SHEBOYGAN, Wis. (WHBL) -- Sheboygan police are reminding residents to keep their car and bikes secure.
The department has seen a rash of thefts and burglaries over the past few weeks, both with break ins into cars and cars and bikes being stolen outright. Christopher Domagalski says most of the thefts have been from unlocked cars or cars with the keys right inside. "We just need to remind people to lock up their vehicles. Don't leave your keys in your vehicle, that's a very bad idea."
Police say thieves are opportunists and unsecured property is an open invitation for them to take it. Domagalski says the best way to handle that is simply to put valuables out of sight. "Take your property in. Don't leave purses with money in, don't leave computers laying out, because you're creating an opportunity that someone might stumble on and decide to act on."
Bicycles have also been stolen, and Domagalski says you can prevent that by buying a secure lock and chain, and finding a sturdy place to chain it up.