SHEBOYGAN, Wis. (WHBL) -The drama continues over the city of Sheboygan’s 2013 budget. As promised, Mayor Terry Van Akkeren has vetoed the garbage collection fee. In a prepared statement the mayor said, "I pledged to eliminate unnecessary fees which are merely a tax of another name." Van Akkeren asked why it is necessary "for our citizens to pay extra fees like the garbage fee when the city of Sheboygan has had excessive surpluses for three straight years?" Van Akkeren also vetoed several accounts which he believes were over-budgeted. That money would make up the nearly $900,000 in revenue from the garbage fee. The mayor has called a meeting - to take up his vetoes - for Friday night at 6:30. It will take 11 votes to override. The budget was approved Wednesday night by a vote of 12 to 4. Finance Chairman Don Hammond contends the fee is needed to properly balance the budget. He thinks the council will override the veto.