SHEBOYGAN, Wis. (WHBL) - The city of Sheboygan's snow emergency expires at 9 a.m. while in the town of Sheboygan it remains in effect until noon. Meanwhile,road crews continue the job of cleaning up the more than 17 inches of snow that fell in the Sheboygan area. Main streets and highways are mostly wet this morning, but secondary streets and roads can be snow covered and slippery. Lt. Jason Lierman of the Sheriff’s Department said there were so many calls yesterday of stranded motorists and vehicles in the ditch that he wasn’t able to keep an official count. He said, luckily, there were no reports of accidents involving injury. The Sheboygan Fire Department is reminding anyone that has a fire hydrant near their property to take a few minutes to clear the snow and make sure it's accessible for fire crews in the event it’s needed.