SHEBOYGAN, Wis.(WHBL) - A wild police chase on I-43 roared through Sheboygan County last night. Sgt. Jason Liermann of the Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Department said they received word from the Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Department about 7:30 that a northbound vehicle was headed into Sheboygan County. Deputies spotted the older Ford Mustang in the Cedar Grove area and tried to stop it near County V, but the vehicle eluded the officers. Liermann said the chase reached speeds of 120 miles per hour and continued into Manitowoc County. He said officers used road spikes and flattened the fleeing vehicles tires, but it continued fleeing on the rims. The chase finally ended in Brown County where the 18 year old suspect from Michigan was arrested after a foot chase. The suspect was returned to Sheboygan and is being held in the County Detention Center pending formal charges.