SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - Seven original grills built by Sheboygan County high school students were on display Friday evening at Wildwood Park in Sheboygan. It is all part of Project GRILL, an LTC program that matches students with local manufacturers to teach them what it takes to make an item from concept to completion.
Brian Hunt, welder at Curt JOA, said this allows students to learn about all possible jobs in manufacturing. It also showcases what it is like to work in the plants in the area since students use both classroom and on site construction for their grills.
Jake Sherman, Tech Ed teacher at Plymouth High School, said the experience students get exceeds what they would get if they just stayed in the classroom.
High schools taking part in this year's project were Howards Grove, Oostburg, Plymouth, Random Lake, Sheboygan Central, Sheboygan North, and Sheboygan South. Each grill will be used by a sponsoring business that matched their specifications.