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Project GRILL showcases student/manufacturer final products


SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - Seven original grills built by Sheboygan County high school students were on display Friday evening at Wildwood Park in Sheboygan.  It is all part of Project GRILL, an LTC program that matches students with local manufacturers to teach them what it takes to make an item from concept to completion.

Brian Hunt, welder at Curt JOA, said this allows students to learn about all possible jobs in manufacturing.  It also showcases what it is like to work in the plants in the area since students use both classroom and on site construction for their grills.

Jake Sherman, Tech Ed teacher at Plymouth High School, said the experience students get exceeds what they would get if they just stayed in the classroom.

High schools taking part in this year's project were Howards Grove, Oostburg, Plymouth, Random Lake, Sheboygan Central, Sheboygan North, and Sheboygan South.  Each grill will be used by a sponsoring business that matched their specifications.

One injured in lawn tractor accident, Flight for Life used


TOWN OF PLYMOUTH, WI (WHBL) - One person was taken by Flight for Life to Theda Clark in Neenah Friday evening due to a lawn tractor accident northwest of Plymouth.

Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Sgt. Matt Spence said the accident occurred around 6:50 at a residence on Judy Drive in the Town of Plymouth.  A 60 year old man was driving the tractor and attempting to turn it when the tires lost traction, forcing him and the tractor to roll about 40 feet down a hill.  The man was conscious when help arrived but complained of back pains - prompting the transport to Theda Clark.


Shots fired in Kiwanis Park


SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - Sheboygan Police continue to investigate a shooting incident at Kiwanis Park Saturday evening.  Lt. Scott Middelstadt said the department got word of the incident around 8 p.m.  Officers arrived within minutes and spoke to numerous people who were at the park the time the shots were fired.  No one was hurt and the suspects fled the scene before authorities arrived.  All that is known is the shots were fired around the basketball courts at the park and the people involved appear to be familiar with one another.  

Two Development Projects get Council Approval


SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - The way has been cleared for construction of an apartment building on South 8th Street in downtown Sheboygan.  The city council Monday night agreed to sell the property, which formerly housed a convent and a Tri-Par station, to Smet Investments for $10.  The city had purchased the land for $105,000.  Alderman Jim Bohren voted against the project, calling it a “sweetheart deal."  Director of Planning and Development Chad Pelishek said the 10 dollars is unfortunate, but that was the incentive to get needed housing in the downtown.  He said local employers are saying that a lot of young professionals are leaving the community because they can't find housing.  Pelishek said there is a lot of interest in moving downtown.  The developer is proposing to spend a minimum of 2.5-million to build either a 4-story or 2-story apartment building, depending on the soil composition.  Most of the apartments would rent for $850 to $950 per month.  Construction will begin in October and take about a year to complete.

 In other action, aldermen approved a zone change which would allow for construction of a new CVS Pharmacy at North 14th and Erie Avenue.  Attorney Richard Donner appeared before the council and said it will be a 13,000 square foot neighborhood pharmacy similar to the Walgreen's across the street with 24 hour operation with a drive-thru.  The site plan for the project still needs the approval of the Plan Commission, which will take it up when it meets next week.





It will be a Busy Primary Election


MADISON, WI (WHBL) - There will be lots of interest around Sheboygan County in the primary election coming up in August.  Monday was the deadline for filing nomination papers.  Sheboygan County’s two state senators - Joe Leibham and Glenn Grothman - are seeking the 6th District Congressional seat vacated by Tom Petri.  They will be seeking the Republican nomination along with Duey Stroebel of Saukville and Tom Denow of Oshkosh.  Winnebago County Executive Mark Harris and Gary Wetzel of Ripon filed papers on the Democratic side.

Meanwhile, in the 9th District State Senate race, Republican Devin LeMahieu will battle Democrat  Martha Lanning of Plymouth in the race for Joe Leibham’s state Senate seat in the November election. 

In the 26th Assembly District, where Mike Endsley is stepping down, Terry Katsma of Oostburg and Job Hou-seye of Sheboygan are seeking the Republican nomination while Terry Van Akkeren, who once held the seat, is the only Democrat on the ballot.

 In the 27th Assembly District, where Steve Kestell is not running for re-election, three Republicans will be on the primary ballot.  They are Sheboygan alderman Darryl Carlson, and Jackie Jarvis and Tyler Vorpagel, both of Plymouth.  Scott Heinig of Plymouth is the only Democrat in the race. 

In the 59th District, where Dan LeMahieu is stepping down, five Republicans have filed papers.  They are Jesse Kremer of Kewaskum, Bill Savage of Hartford, Ralph Prescott of Chilton,  Tim Ramthun of Campbellsport, and Mark Brunner of Kewaskum. 

On the county level, there are only two offices up for election in November and neither will require a primary.  Sheriff Todd Priebe will run unopposed for a 2nd term, while Democrat Christine Koenig and Independent Melody Lorge are seeking the office of Clerk of Courts to replace long-time Clerk Nan Todd, who is not running for re-election.

Mayor Returns from Esslingen


SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - Mayor Mike Vandersteen returned last Friday after a 10-day trip to Sheboygan's sister city, Esslingen, Germany.  Vandersteeen described the trip during Monday's city council meeting and showed off a piece of artwork which he received during the trip.  Listen above to Vandersteen's comments.

Senator Grothman Vows to Work for Welfare Reform


CAMPELLSPORT, WI (WHBL) - State Senator Glenn Grothman says if he’s elected to congress, he will make reforming government welfare programs his top priority.  The West Bend Republican said the current system is destroying families and trapping an entire generation in poverty.  He said a recent report by the Wisconsin Family Council shows that a low-income single parent can receive over $36,000 in government benefits per year, but they lose most of those benefits if they marry someone with a moderate income.  Grothman says programs punish people who get married.  He promised to introduce legislation to limit food stamps to only nutritional staples and to free up federal regulations to allow states to be more restrictive on the federal welfare programs they administer.

Plymouth Safety Patrol Travels to Washington D.C.


PLYMOUTH, WI (WHBL) - Twenty one 4th and 6th grade students of the Plymouth Safety Patrol recently toured Washington D.C.  The group, which was comprised of students from Horizon Elementary School, Parkview Elementary School, Fairview Elementary School, St. John the Baptist Catholic School and St. John’s Lutheran School were accompanied by parents along with Officer Todd Kronberg and Kathy Halloran of the Plymouth Police Department.

 The Safety Patrol was also chosen to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery.  An essay contest was held by the Plymouth Police Department to select the four wreath layers who were Riley Huibregtse, Anna Brink, Ian Struve and Chloe Nicolaus.   The Washington D. C. Safety Patrol trip is funded 100% by it participants and donations that are made to their group.  Students participate in 3 fundraisers to raise the money they need to cover the cost of their trip.  A generous donation was also made by the Walmart Foundation to offset the cost of the trip.

City of Sheboygan, Benjamin Moore celebrate new paint work


SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - The City of Sheboygan and Benjamin Moore paints held a special event Wednesday to recognize the city’s involvement with the “Main Street Matters” promotion.  The city was one of 20 selected to have 28 buildings on the 500 and 800 blocks of North 8th Street get new paint jobs.  A Benjamin Moore representative said work has been underway since May and should be complete by the end of next week.

Mayor Mike Vandersteen said the city, building owners and businesses have cooperated to accommodate the work, which went beyond what was expected.  He pointed to the fact that the plan was to include 250 hours of work on store frontage areas.  In reality, that took over 600 hours to complete.

The event also had live music, free cake, and special sales at downtown businesses during the afternoon.

On The Campaign Trail


PLYMOUTH, WI (WHBL) - A Plymouth woman who is one of three candidates seeking the Republican nomination in the 27th Assembly District says she will use her experience in government to cut taxes, eliminate wasteful spending and create jobs.  Jackie Jarvis has served on the Plymouth City Council and was Director of Development and Planning for the city of Sheboygan.  She said her plans, if elected, include a complete overhaul of the State’s tax system which involves eliminating corporate and income taxes and initiating discussions on legislative term limits.  Jarvis will face Sheboygan Alderman Darryl Carlson and Tyler Vorpagel, of Plymouth, in the August primary election.  The winner will face Scott Heinig, of Plymouth, in November for the seat currently held by Steve Kestell.

Wilson 3rd Graders Donation to Children’s Hospital Totals Nearly $1,500


SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - For the third year in a row, third grade students in Mrs. Jennifer Holmes’ class at Wilson Elementary School have been ‘Change Bandits’ for Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee, WI. Students have been collecting change since October, checking their couches and cars, asking relatives at holiday gatherings, selling rubber band bracelets, even giving some of their own allowance. A Milwaukee radio station, WKLH, broadcast live from Children’s Hospital over Memorial weekend for their Miracle Marathon. Mrs. Holmes called during a POWER HOUR of the Miracle Marathon and the students’ donation was doubled to a grand total of $1,475.36! Principal Chad Renzelmann congratulated the class, commenting, “We are so proud of the students for following Wilson School’s motto of 4>2,” meaning it’s greater to do something for someone rather than to someone. (Courtesy of the Sheboygan Area School District)

Sheboygan County Students recognized for anti drug videos


PLYMOUTH, WI (WHBL) - Some of Sheboygan County’s best student video makers were recognized last evening for helping to spread the word about not doing drugs.  The Sheboygan County Service Providers put on the contest for middle and high school students to create an up to two minute video to showcase the dangers of drug use.

Sheboygan Police Captain Jim Veeser said the quality of the entries were impressive, and he hopes that since they were made by students it will bring added attention to the issue.

Of this year’s sixteen entries, Manuel Vasquez of Sheboygan South won the high school category, while Dustin Eilers of Howards Grove won the middle school category.  Both won $500 and were happy and surprised to win.  Second place for each category were entries from Elkhart Lake, and each received $300.  All other entries received a Subway gift card for their participation.

Plans are in the works to do a similar contest next year.

Watch this story on Friday as we will have the winning entries embeded on this site.  We will also have a link to the Youtube site where all 16 entries can be seen.


Police Investigate Dog Bite


SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - Sheboygan Police are looking for the people and the dogs that were involved in a dog-bite incident in the city of Sheboygan Thursday night.  Lt. Scott Mittelstadt said it happened around 7:30 near north 22nd and Superior Avenue.  A woman - about 50 years old - and a boy - approximately 15 - were walking two brown, Boxer-type dogs when one of them bit a woman on the arm as she was passing by.  Mittelstadt said the woman walking the dogs checked on the victim, who didn’t realize the bite had broken the skin.  Mittelstadt said they are asking the owner of the dogs, or anyone with any information about them, to contact police.

Collision Northeast of Elkhart Lake


ELKHART LAKE, WI (WHBL) - Two people were hospitalized Thursday afternoon as the result of an intersection collision northeast of Elkhart Lake.  The Sheriff’s Department said 20 year old Stephany Steinert, of Elkhart Lake, pulled out from the stop sign at Highway 57 and County MM and collided with an SUV driven by 78 year old Joseph Thome, of Port Washington.  Thome and his wife, Beverly, were taken to St. Nicholas Hospital in Sheboygan with non-life threatening injuries.  Steinert wasn’t injured.

No Rush Expected in Sheboygan Following Same Sex Marriage Ruling


SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) -  County Clerk Jon Dolson says he doesn’t foresee any rush of same-sex couples coming into his office in the wake of Friday's ruling striking down the state's ban on same sex marriage.  Dolson said county clerks have received nothing from Wisconsin vital records on how to proceed in the wake of the ruling.  He said that currently there are no new marriage forms and there is no way to alter the current forms which read Bride and Groom.  Meanwhile, State Senator Glenn Grothman expressed disappointment with Judge Barbara Crabb's decision.  Grothman said the ruling didn't surprise him since "...we've seen again and again, liberal judges are using their courtrooms to advance their extreme left-wing agenda because the people reject their philosophy anytime the issue is put to a vote."

Two Injured in Collision of Two Motorcycles


ELKHART LAKE, WI (WHBL) - Two men were injured, one seriously, in the collision of two motorcycles in the town of Rhine over the weekend.  The Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Department said it happened shortly after three o’clock on Saturday afternoon on Highway 67 north of the Village of Elkhart Lake.  One cycle driven by 45 year old James Miller of Kiel was following the other cycle driven by 23 year old Mitchel Herziger of Elkhart Lake when they tried to go around a car that had slowed to make a turn, and the two collided.  Miller was taken to St. Nicholas Hospital with serious injuries.  Herziger suffered less serious injuries but wasn’t hospitalized.

Dodge Booster Club Fundraiser at Sheboygan Falls High School


SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - On Monday, June 16th, Sheboygan Falls High School will team up with Sheboygan Chrysler Center Inc. to host a Dodge Booster Club Fundraiser. Funds raised will go toward the school. The fundraiser will take place near the ball diamond behind the school located at 220 Amherst Avenue during a baseball game.

Between 4:00pm and 7:00pm, the Dodge brand will make a $20 donation to the school on behalf of each person who takes a short test drive. Sheboygan Chrysler Center Inc. will have the new Dodge Dart, Durango, Journey, and Grand Caravan at the event for participants to inspect and drive. Dealership personnel will volunteer their time to assist with the fundraising drives.  Anyone age 18, or over, with a valid driver’s license, may drive and earn a Dodge donation for the school. 


The Dodge brand has been supporting schools in the communities where the company does business for several years. Since 1993, Dodge has helped raise over $5 million for schools across the country with test drive programs like the Dodge Booster Club Fundraiser.

UPDATE 2: Sheboygan County to accept same sex marriage license applications...for now


SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - Sheboygan County will accept marriage license applications from same sex couples.  County Clerk Jon Dolson said this decision comes after receiving guidance from the county’s corporate council.  Sheboygan County joins several counties across the state Monday in accepting applications following just Dane and Milwaukee counties accepting them over the weekend.  As of late Monday morning, Dolson said two couples had come into his office asking for marriage license forms, but neither was accepted at that time

For those couples applying there are some steps necessary to fill out the license form:

1) The couple must have a date for a ceremony and a judge/officiant lined up when applying.  Dolson said he personally has not heard of any such person willing to do such a ceremony in Sheboygan County.

2) Due to no update of forms for this situation, a couple must choose who will be the "bride" and the "groom" for the form’s purposes.

Earlier, it was believed those couples who do have a domestic partnership recognized by the state would have to terminate it and wait 90 days before they could get a marriage license.  Dolson said a further review showed this does not apply since the waiting period only affects those moving from one domestic partnership to another.

All this could be temporary if a hold of Friday’s ruling from Judge Barbara Crabb is allowed as the state proceeds with appealing the ruling.  That ruling will not be coming until next week as she gets more information on the stay request.

Kiel man injured in motorcycle/truck accident


TOWN OF SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - A Kiel man was injured Monday afternoon after his motorcycle hit a truck just north of Sheboygan.

Sheriff Lt. Mark Rupnik said the incident occurred around 12:30 p.m. on Highway 42 near Enterprise Drive.  20 year old Cody Roethel, of Kiel, was on his motorcycle following a box truck driven by 53 year old Bernadette Seely, of Plymouth, when Seely slowed down and Roethel rear ended the truck.

Roethel was ejected and transported to Aurora Sheboygan Medical Center for treatment of non life-threatening injuries. Rupnik said he was also cited for reckless driving and following too closely.


Oostburg Cyclist Seriously Injured


OOSTBURG, WI (WHBL) - An Oostburg woman was seriously injured Monday afternoon after she was knocked from her bicycle by a passing pickup truck.  The Sheriff’s Department said it happened about 1:30 on Highway 32 northwest of the village of Oostburg.  Lt. Jason Liermann said 66 year old Barbara Claerbout was riding along the highway when 47 year old Jeffrey Radtke, of Sheboygan Falls, driving the pickup truck, was distracted by a bee as he overtook her.  The truck swerved and the sideview mirror struck Claerbout, who was thrown from her bike onto the shoulder of the road.  She was taken to Sheboygan Memorial with serious injuries. 

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