SHEBOYGAN FALLS, WI (WHBL) - When work got started on returning rail service along a rail line between Plymouth and Kohler, the goal was to have the line completed by the end of October. However, that will not be the case for the entire line, as work continues east of County Road TT, which includes work in Sheboygan Falls and Kohler.
Project Manager Jeff Risch says there were minor delays that occurred. "As far as utility relocations and things like that, that just inevitably have to happen; when the streets are open, and you don’t have a lot of time to get that stuff moved. There’s been things of that nature that have complicated some of the issues, but all that’s within reason."
One of the delays could have been the possible fault of the mayor of Sheboygan Falls, but with good intentions in mind.
Randy Meyer has said returning rail service to the city after Union Pacific ended it in 2006 was a top priority for him. He cited the city's and county's economy as the reason, with a focus on Bemis. “Bemis has always been a great partner in not only Sheboygan Falls but the entire county, and I think bringing rail service back to them ensures they’ll be a great partner going forward for many, many years, long after I am (no longer) mayor.”
Even with that goal in mind, Meyer says he also had a goal that property along the rail line would not face major alterations when new track was put it. That did cause some disputes in the area of Monroe Street near the Sheboygan River bridge. "The city had a disagreement with the railroad over the replacement of a sidewalk. They didn’t want to replace the sidewalk, but I said absolutely you will be replacing that sidewalk. We had a sidewalk before the project, and we’re going to have a sidewalk after the project."
Whether this added to the minor delays is unknown, but Meyer says he wanted to keep impact of the rail line to a minimum for people walking and driving around the city. He expects Wisconsin and Southern will keep that promise.
As for the line, work is complete west of County Road TT to Plymouth. The rest of the work should be completed through Kohler by the end of November. Trains are expected to begin use before the end of the year.