SHEBOYGAN, Wis.(WHBL) - The city of Sheboygan is having trouble recruiting candidates for the position of Assistant Deputy Finance Director, but the City Council last night refused to waive its residency requirement. Human Resources Manager Sandy Rohrick said the position pays between $65,000 and $77,000, however they have had trouble recruiting qualified candidates. Rohrick. She said a number of candidates have said they would not submit applications because of the residency requirement. Alermen last fall refused to throw out the residency requirement, but Finance Chair Don Hammond called on them to do it for this position in an effort to increase the pool of qualified candidates. But Alderman Scott Lewandoske said I don't know how we can tell the mayor to promote Sheboygan as a good place to live, and then we as a group are saying "well this job is open, but you don't need to live here". Aldermen then defeated a motion to waive residency by a vote of 8 to 7.