SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) - As Sheboygan Alderman Kevin Matichek remains in custody on charges for repeated sexual assault of a minor, his attorney is preparing for his defense.
Casey Hoff tells W-H-B-L News that the case is relatively new and it will be changing. "We’ve merely received the criminal complaint," says Hoff. "We haven’t received any of the evidence in the case, any of the police reports, or anything else for that matter."
As this process moves along, Hoff is asking the public to remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. "It’s one of the foundations of our system of justice, it’s part of our due process, and anybody who is accused of any sort of crime should be entitled to that very same right," says Hoff.
Matichek remains in custody after his arrest last week on a 75-thousand dollar bond. Sheboygan Police continue to investigate.